
Thursday 31 July 2014

Healthy date smoothie (that tastes like caramel milkshake)!

I've never been one to use dates but have recently realised what a wonder they can be and they make up almost half of my favourite Nakd bar ever, 'cashew cookie', so I thought I should try them out! I vaguely remember hearing something about date smoothies a little while ago so thought 'why not?' I used unsweetened almond milk for this recipe although other milk such as soy or rice milk would work just as well. You could even add extra flavour by using chocolate or vanilla soy milk for extra yummyness! Now there are loads of things that would work well with this, like banana, coconut, etc, but I wanted to see what just date smoothie tasted like! And the clue is in the title of this post; it was like a caramel milkshake! Delicious! Honestly, if you're really craving a Starbucks Frappucino, satisfy the craving by making one of these, you won't be disappointed!

You will need:

  • 10 dates
  • 350ml of almond milk
  1. Cut up the dates into finer pieces to make them blend more easily and add to the blender, cutting into quarters will do just fine.
  2. Add 350ml of chilled almond milk.
  3. Turn on the blender and blend for about 5 minutes as it takes time for the dates to become blended and for their flavour to mix too.
  4. Remove any unblended dates for a smoother texture.
  5. Serve up and enjoy for a sweet treat!

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